Get your website online now with DigiHost
Hosted locally and delivered globally, DigiHost offers affordable web hosting for your registered domain. Using cutting edge technology, we provide the best options available at the best prices.
Basic Hosting package
The Basic package is perfect for your personal blog or showcase of photos or hobbies. Share your view of the world with your very own online gallery or informative articles. Keep it simple with Digiworks!
Standard Hosting package
The Standard package is perfect for smaller businesses by being able to host up to five blogs along with a greater capacity for showcasing your photos or services with larger galleries and more information. Take it up a notch with Digiworks!
Pro Hosting package
The Pro package is perfect for your small to medium size business with the capacity to host multiple blogs, showcase your products or services, and e-commerce options provided by easy-to-install applications. Go Pro with Digiworks!
Premium Hosting package
The Premium package is perfect for larger businesses, with easy-to-install web applications, access tools for reporting and website stats, more email addresses and databases available. Rise to the top with Digiworks!
The V I P package
This is a custom, managed package. Making your life easier.
At DigiHost we like to offer the you the client exactly what you need, and to make it as easy as possible for you to get your mail up and running or your website bringing in the hits. The Custom package is all about size, speed, and support and if you are looking for either one of those or a combination of them all, then this is the package for you. We offer all variations of support from IT to Website assitance and backup management. Contact us by clicking the button below and make a request.
- We will transfer and setup the DNS records of your domain
- Email Setup and Support
- Fully customised hosting solutions
- If you have a Wordpress site, we will keep it up to date for you
- All the benefits of our standard packages
- Frequent backups of your sites
*Unlimited traffic means DigiHost does not impose any limit on traffic / bandwidth. This is however subject to reasonable and responsible use.
What is Web Hosting?
Web Hosting is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page on to the Internet. A Web Host, or Web Hosting Service Provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the Website or Webpage to be viewed on the Internet. Websites are hosted, or stored, on special computers called Servers.
When Internet users want to view your Website, all they need to do is type your Website address into their browser. Their computer will then connect to your Server and your Webpages will be delivered to them through the browser.
Most Hosting companies require that you own your Domain Name in order to Host with them. If you do not have a Domain Name, the Hosting companies will help you purchase one.
Why do I need Web Hosting?
Web Hosting can be compared to telephone service. If you have a phone, but do not hook up local and long
distance phone service through a phone company, the actual phone itself won’t function the way it was intended. Likewise, you may have Website files,
but until you upload them to a Web Server, your files will not be viewable via the Internet.
A Server dedicated to a Website and email with a direct connection to a stable Internet backbone is required to Host a Website. Web Hosting companies
exist because these requirements are often out of reach for the average business and general users of the Internet. By investing in equipment and network
architecture, a Web Hosting company specializes in making Websites available quickly through the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Unless you have
the knowledge and resources it takes to run a Web Server and mail server in-house, you will probably require the services of a Web Hosting company.
For a complete range of hosting solutions, choose DigiHost.
Why Sign up with DigiHost?
Instant Setup
Having registered a domain you won't want to waste any time registering an account which is why DigiHost provides an instant setup for you to get started immediately. Once your registration is complete, an email with your account details will be sent to you. It is that simple. It's quick and easy web hosting for South Africans provided by DigiHost.
Site Analytics
Built-in analytics will allow you full control over the comings and goings of your website. DigiHost is dedicated to providing quality and comprehensive services, so do not hesitate to use our expertise to guide you through the process to put the potential of internet marketing in your hands.
Extra apps
Built-in apps will allow you to enhance your website to look and perform exactly how you want it to. Bridge the gap between you and your visitors with quality apps that give you the freedom to optimize the online marketplace. DigiHost will gladly help you with any queries you have when it comes to building the perfect website for you or your business.
Security and backup
DigiHost values security above all else and we want our clients feeling safe and secure using our services with up-to-date software and firewall applications. DigiHost diligently and routinely backs up data and information ensuring your website and hosting environment is clean and safe.
DigiHost is an accredited registrar
Accreditation means that certification and inspection bodies have been assessed against recognized standards to demonstrate their competence, impartiality and capability. DigiHost is equipped to offer the best products in South Africa at affordable prices, leaving you assured that you and your business are safe and secure with our online services.